During the Week
Check out our upcoming events! If you would like to attend any of these events and don't know where to start, contact a Student Ambassador.
The CSC endeavors to provide an enriching place to grow friendships, meet new people, offer resources and opportunities for students to grow and mature their faith, and most importantly, to model Jesus Christ to everyone we meet in hopes that we might share the joy of our salvation.
Sunday Worship
Our campus minister Harrison Gibbs teaches a bible class on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings at Central Church of Christ, located just behind the student center on Vine Street. The Sunday morning class starts at 9:30 am, worship starts at 10:30 with Central. We usually have a group that walks over from the student center a few minutes before, so feel free to meet us here!
Monday & Wednesday Lunches
Every Monday and Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm we serve lunch at the CSC. The cost is $2 for students and $4 for non-students, and your first time is free! This is a great way for college students to find an inexpensive homemade lunch on campus. We have a cook who we are pretty sure can work magic. Everyone is welcome to join.
Tuesday Night Devotional
Each Tuesday we have FREE food and fellowship followed by a devotional that involves singing and different speakers that convey a variety of biblical subjects and application. The dinner is free and starts at 6:30 pm.
Monday Night Bible Study
On Monday nights at 7:30, students gather at the CSC to discuss and study together. Lessons are put together and lead by our male student ambassadors. The studies cover a wide variety of subjects and Biblical concepts.
Our campus minister Harrison Gibbs teaches a bible class on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings at Central Church of Christ, located just behind the student center on Vine Street. He likes to mix up the style of class every few weeks and would love to have more students come out to study the Bible. and the Wednesday evening service starts at 7:00 pm.
Thursday Fellowship
On Thursday nights, students break off into male and female groups and discuss our weeks. Sometimes students will also hear a mini-lesson from members of Central Church of Christ.
The Christian Student Center (CSC) is the oldest campus ministry at UTC and is located behind Central church of Christ and directly across the street from Johnson-Obear Dormitory.
The eldership at Central provides oversight for the CSC and funding for this mission outreach is primarily from the membership at Central as well as several local congregations and alumni. Our effort is to provide a warm and welcoming environment for all students who desire good fellowship. Our ministry involves inexpensive lunches, Tuesday night dinner and devotionals, small groups, Bible study, singing praises to God and mission work beyond campus. Since 1970 the CSC has shared the gospel with thousands and baptized hundreds more.